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Serving our customers begins with understanding. The CVS Health Spanish courses give nurses, pharmacists, and pharmacy colleagues the tools to converse with Spanish-speaking customers and patients—with extra emphasis on health-related vocabulary. Gain the skills and confidence to communicate with patients in their preferred language, so you can support their wellbeing and help them thrive. 

Pharmacy Spanish

Helps pharmacists and pharmacy employees converse with Spanish-speaking populations.

Spanish for Nurses

Helps nurses gain the skills and confidence to speak with patients in Spanish.

Use your CVS Health education benefits

Colleagues who enroll will have the $1,500 cost of the course covered through the CVS Health Colleague Education Program.*

*Participants who choose to earn continuing pharmacy education credits for this course must pay a one-time $35 processing fee.

Contact Us

EdAssist Tuition Reimbursement: Colleague Zone > Financial Security page > Colleague Education Program

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