Public Service Degrees

Impact Your Community and Career

Driven. That’s the kind of person who serves the public. Capella’s online public service programs can fuel your passion for improving community, government, and the lives of others.

Be the Leader Communities’ Need

Public service professionals are key to the success and stability of communities. They make decisions that affect the function of nearly every aspect of civic life, from law enforcement to business licensing, pollution control to emergency management. Capella offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in public service, allowing students to dive into service careers that make a difference for entire communities.


Doctor of Public Administration

Use case studies, conduct valid research, and evaluate current theories to prepare to teach, consult, or lead on issues involving public policy and public administration.


MS in Criminal Justice

Deepen your understanding of human behavior, public policy, and social change in criminal justice, and grow your leadership skills through real-world simulations.


MS in Emergency Management

Gain in-depth expertise in coordinating emergency management, from preparation to mitigation to response and recovery, and learn to lead in the field.


Master of Public Administration

Grow the skills needed to work with diverse populations, manage public resources, and formulate responses to public administration, public health, and public safety issues.


BS in Criminal Justice

Use an ethics-centered, evidence-based approach to understand complex criminal justice situations, and focus on conflict resolution, leadership, and multicultural communication.

Individual Courses

Move closer towards your goals, one course at a time. Take an individual Capella course in subject areas including counseling, psychology, nursing, business, and more.

We believe in being transparent about the real cost, time, and value of a Capella degree. Learn more about Capella’s learning outcomes.

Accredited and recognized

Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Accreditation and recognitions provide the assurance we meet standards for quality of faculty, curriculum, learner services, and fiscal stability. See all of our accreditations and recognitions

Why choose Capella?

At Capella, you’ll get a competency-based education, meaning our professionally aligned public service programs help create leaders who are prepared to make an impact on their communities—even before graduation.

Scholar-Practitioner Faculty

All our faculty hold doctoral degrees and bring years of experience, as well as the latest theories and practice to students.

Real-World Simulations

Take on real-world challenges in immersive simulations as you strengthen leadership skills in a risk-free environment.

Immediately Applicable Education

Learn the theories and body of knowledge for your profession, as well as how to apply that knowledge to job situations.

Flexible Online Learning

Access your learning environment anytime, anywhere, with any device, and set your own schedule while meeting deadlines.

Engaged Interaction

You won’t learn alone. In your courses, you’ll interact in a multidisciplinary environment that mimics the real world.

Respected in the Field

We have hundreds of partnerships with institutions from around the U.S., including public service organizations.

Public Service Career Insights

Exploring 3 Public Administration Career Areas

Career paths in governance, nonprofit leadership, and community management are all related to an MPA.

When Disaster Strikes, the World Depends on Public Service Professionals

It takes a range of public service professionals, from law enforcement to case managers, to respond to a crisis.

The Growing Use of Technology in Criminal Justice

Technology has become a key factor in helping to solve crimes more efficiently and effectively.

Ready for the next step?

Learning online doesn't mean going it alone. Help is here. From faculty, coaches, advisors and more. Plus a supportive community of students who are as passionate about their careers as you are about yours.